doctor hold in hand red heart picture

Health Savings Accounts

Get well without worrying about the bills.

You deserve the best care possible

Perfect health is everyone's wish. But illness and injuries are facts of life. When they happen, no one should have to worry whether they can afford proper medical treatment. With a Health Savings Account, you can set aside money to cover future care and buy your family some peace of mind.

  • Save for a wide range of qualified medical expenses
  • Make annual contributions of up to $7,000 for families and $3,500 for individuals
  • Earn interest on balances above $1,000
  • HSA contributions are often tax-deductible
  • Low monthly service charge of $2
  • Account stays with you even if you change jobs
  • Unused funds can be rolled over into the next year

HSA Eligibility

Not everyone can open a Health Savings Account. To be eligible, you must:

  • Be covered by a high-deductible health plan
  • Not be enrolled in Medicare
  • Not be claimed as a dependent on another individual's tax return